This agreement is signed and executed electronically online by thebelow mentioned Independent Associatewho has voluntarily out of his/her ownaccord and sweet will offered to join the Direct Selling business of M/s Docteur Realtor LLP " a company registeredunder the Companies Act 2013 (Registration No---------------------) having itsCorporate office at B/68 sec- 63 Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301 India.(Hereinafter called "Company" or "s Docteur Realtor LLP" which expression shall, unlessrepugnant to the context, includes its successors in business,administrators, liquidators and assigns or legal representatives).
Whereas the company is engaged in "Real Estate" which meansmarketing, distribution and sale of goods or providing of services through a network of Independent Seller at different levels of distribution who may recruit or introduce or sponsor further level of Independentt Seller, vide its own specific Business Plannot falling under a pyramid scheme.
And Whereas the Independent Seller who is named below along with his KYC particulars therein has, after being explained all the provisions ofthe Business Plan, product details and thepresent E-contract Agreement, in the language known to him by Shri________ID No.______ and after visiting the company’s website www.drrealtor.inand ascertaining all facts, has voluntarily offered to join the business of the Company by Selling mode andresolved to enter into this E-contract agreement, hence this deed.
The Company assures that this E-contract agreement has no provisionthat an Independent Seller will receive compensation or incentive for therecruitment/enrolment of new participants.
The Company also assures that it does not requires a participant topurchase goods or services for an amount that exceeds an amount forwhich such goods or services can be expected to be sold or resold toconsumers.
The Company also assures that it does not require a participant to payany entry /registration fee, cost of sales demonstration equipment andmaterials or other fees relating to participation.
That an Independent Seller herein assures that it has ascertained from the Business Plan , thestipulated amount of any type of compensation like Incentives, rewards, etc. including financial and non-financialbenefits payable to the Independent Seller are only and only for effective sale of products and in no way for recruiting/sponsoring/introducing an Independent Seller.
Cooling Off Policy:That the Company allows or provides to the Independent Sellerherein a reasonable cooling off period of 90 (Ninety) days, from thedate of execution of this E-contract agreement to participate or cancelhis/her participation in the scheme and receive a refund of anyconsideration given to participate in the operations.
Buyback Policy:That the Company allows or provides for a buy back orrepurchase policy for “currently marketable” products sold tothe participant at the request of the participant at reasonable terms on or after completiiion days from date of purchase invoice of product(s).The Buyback Guarantee Mechanism as displayed on company’s website may be read as part ofthis E-contract agreement.
That the Independent Seller herein agrees that the Company has established a “Grievance RedressalMechanism” for consumers and Independent Product Sellers to redress theirgrievances and complaints. The “Grievance Redressal Mechanism” is displayed on the website of the company.The Independent Product Seller or the customers can approach the Grievance Redressal Committee or the Grievance officer of the company for their grievances.
Docteur Realtor LLP does not require anIndependent Product Seller to invest money in anyform whatsoever except the cost of products purchased by him/her anddoes not include any provision that the Independent Product Seller herein willreceive compensation from the recruitment to participate. That he/shewill receive compensation derived from the sale.
That the Company will provide all support to the Independent Sellerin delivery of the products through effective support system.
That for appointment of the Independent t Seller herein the Companyrequireshim/ her to do the following and he / she shall complete the following steps. AnIndividual/ Firm/Company who is able to do contract as per the provision of the IndianContact Act, 1872 and wish to become an Independent Seller of the company, can apply to beappointed as an Independent Sellerfor marketing and selling of company’s product on pan India basis, in prescribed form through online method also.
Fill the application form online and upload scanned KYC documents.
Accept the terms and condition of this E-contract agreement byclicking on “I AGREE” button below.
On the completion of the above process, the Independent Seller cantake a printout of this agreement.
Upon the execution of this agreement alongwith verification of all the documents through the above process,the applicant shall become the Independent Seller of the Company and anUnique Identification number and password shall beallotted to the applicant, to allow him / her to log on to the official website of the Company i.e. www.drrealtor.into access his/ her own personal back office.
That the Independent Seller shall submit the following documents in Soft copy to the company within 30 days from the date of execution of
this Agreement (Including the acceptance of terms of appointment) by clicking on “IAGREE” button at the bottom of these presents (agreement) as well asall self- attested attached documents.
That the Company upon scrutiny and verification of theApplication and KYC particulars may re-consider the decision of theappointment of Independent Product Seller for Direct Selling of products ofthe Company. The Company shall have sole discretion and liberty to reject his/her associate code, if the KYC and other documents in soft copy are found unsatisfactory, mollified or fake etc.
That the KYC shall include but not limited to verified proof ofaddress, proof of identity and PAN. The Independent Product Seller shall submit PANto the company as per the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The Independent Seller should also submit to Company, any photo ID Card asissued by the State or Central Government. These ID cards could be anyfrom the following:
Aadhaar Car
Voter ID Card
Ration card
Any identity document issued by the state or centralgovernment which can be verified.
Additional Documents required for Applicant in case of Company:
List of Directors of the Company
Board Resolution in favor of the Director signing andexecuting this E-Contract agreement and Application
Additional Documents required for Applicant in case of Firm:
Partnership Deed or an Affidavit in case of Proprietorship firm
Authorization in favor of the Partner signing andexecuting this E-Contract agreement and Application
Scope of the Work:
That the Independent Seller shall market andsell the products of the company using word of mouth publicity, , distribution ofpamphlets, and door to door marketing to purchaser and prospective
That the company shall be exclusive owner of the name and logo ofthe company.The Independent Seller shall not use the Docteur Realtor LLP trademark, website, logotype and design anywhere without writtenpermission from the Company. This permission, if given, can bewithdrawn at any time by the Company. Violations shall invite, besides termination of Independent Seller-ship of the Company, penal actions under the prevailing IPR laws and Rules.
That the Independent Seller shall not manipulate the Business Plan, pricing of products, in any way whatsoever and shallnot send, transmit or otherwise communicate any messages to anybody on behalf of the Company without prior written authorization for the same from the management of the company.
That the Independent Seller will get specified percentage /points-based Incentivespertaining to the sales for sellingthe company products directly or indirectly under this E-contract Agreement.
That the Company hereby covenants that it shall provide to the Independent Seller with complete instruction books, catalogues, pamphlets for promoting sales and shall providemandatory orientation training.
That the company shall issue photo identity cards to Independent Seller. This photo identity card shall be returned by the Independent Product Seller to the company at the expiry/termination/revocation of theagreement and shall be destroyed. The identity card shall contain theName & Unique ID number of the Independent Seller.
The Independent Sellerwill not be authorized to collect any type of cheques/demand draft on his own name, on behalf of the Company. All cheques/demand draftsetc. should be drawn in the name ofthe company only and the same should be deposited with the company office or other offices as may be specified by the company, within a day. Independent Seller shall hold the said cash collection/cheque/DD in trust for andon behalf of the company. Upon failure to deposit the said cashcollection/cheque/ DD, Independent Seller shall be liable to paydamages/compensation and Mesne-profit, if any. The receipt/invoice issued by thecompany only would be valid documentary evidence in the hand of theconsumer. It means Independent Sellerwould not be authorized to issue anyreceipt/invoice on behalf of the company.
That every Independent Sellerare not authorized to sell any product of the company one-commerce platform/marketplace. The Independent Product Seller is also prohibited from listing, marketing,advertising, promoting, discussing, or selling any product, or thebusiness opportunity on any website or online forum that offers likeauction as a mode of selling.
Sales Incentives/Commission Structure or other Benefit that the Independent Product Seller shall enjoy the following privileges:
Sales Incentive related to their respective sales volume as per the Business Plan.
Earnings of the Independent Product Seller shall be in proportion to thevolume of sales done by the Independent Product Seller by self or through his/hernetwork team as stipulated in the Business Plan.
Independent tSellercan market/sell Company Products on Pan India basis. There is no territorial restriction to sell the products.
He/she can always check and inspect his/her account on thecompany’s website by using Unique ID and Password allotted tohim/her by the company.
That the Company reserves the right to restrict the list of projects for a particular area / region.
That price revisions, Government directives, market forces etc.,may lead to change in the Company Sales Incentivespolicyand the company’s decision in this regard will be final and binding. In all such cases, the amendments will be notified on the company’s website and such notifications shall be binding on the Independent Seller. However, if any Independent Seller does not agree to be bound by such amendment, he/ she may terminate this agreementwithin 30 days of such publication by giving a written notice communicating his / her objections, if any, to the Company. Without submission of the objection for modification etc., ifan Independent Seller continues the Direct Selling activities then it will be deemed and presumed that he/ she has accepted all modifications andamendments in the terms & conditions for future.
That all payments and transactions shall be valued in Indian Rupees (INR).
That the Company does not guarantee/assure / promise or offer any facilitation feesor any amount or quantum of income whatsoever to the Independent Seller on account of becoming an Independent Sellerof the Company.
That Sales Incentivesto the Independent Seller shallbe subject to all statutory deductions as applicable like TDS etc.
That Sales Incentive paid to the Independent Seller is inclusive of all taxes.
That the company shall provide accurate and complete informationto prospective and existing Independent Sellers concerning the reasonableamount of earning opportunity and related rights and obligations.
That the company shall pay all dues to the Independent Sellerand make withholdings, if any, in a commercially reasonable manner.
That company does not require anIndependent Product Seller to maintain an office or establishment in furtherance of his/her entrepreneurship and if an Independent Seller does so then he / she himself/herself will be responsible to bear such expenses and the Company will in no way be responsible to refund or reimburse the same.
That Independent Seller covenants with the Company that it willexclusively engage in the sale of the company’s projects and shall not indulge in the sale of similar/identicalproducts.
That Unique Identification Number will have to be quoted by the Independent Seller in all his/her transactions and correspondence with theCompany. The Unique Identification Number once allotted cannot bealtered at any point of time. That No communication will beentertained without Unique Identification Number and password. Independent Product Seller shall preserve the Unique Identification Number and Passwordproperly as it is must for logging on to website.
That the Independent Product Seller shall be faithful to the Company and shalluphold the integrity and decorum to the Company and shall maintaingood relations with other Independent Product Seller andcustomers also.
That the Independent Product Seller shall abide with policies, procedures,rules and regulations prescribed by the Company as well as all laws, rules,regulations, directives and Guideline issued by Government of India, a State Government, a Local body, a Court of Law and local administration, from time to time. AnIndependent Product Seller will also not indulge in any deceptive orunlawful trade practices as defined in the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 and if does so then he/ she shall be solely responsible for the consequences thereof.
That the Independent Seller shall be liable to produce/show/explain theBusiness Planto the prospects as has been received by him/ her. If the company notices that the Independent Seller isworking in a way not permitted/authorized, then thecompany shall have exclusive power to terminate or bar him / her from thecompany’s Independent Seller-ship after giving a show cause notice.
That the Independent Product Sellershall not use or advertise on social media any business promotion material, not authorized or approved by the Company and if he/shedoes so then he/she shall solely be responsible for the consequences.
That the Independent Seller is prohibited from mentioning / posting / telecasting any inappropriate or defaming content about the company, its products, etc. in any social media platforms. If he / she does any act in contravention to this clause, then this contract agreement will be deemed terminated and the company reserves rights to initiate appropriate legal action against him / her.
That only one Independent Seller-ship code shall be issued on one Pan Card.
That the Independent Seller hereby undertakes not to compel or induceor mislead any person with any false statement /promise to purchaseproducts from the Company or to become Independent Seller of the Company.
All statutory changes will be in force with immediate effect or as per the law prescribed.
Any notice or correspondence/s addressed and sent to the Independent Seller’s address, E-mail ID and Mobile Number mentioned in the Application Form for registration as Independent Seller by registered AD post or a Courier Service or E-mail or Whatsapp message shall be construed as legally delivered to the addressee. However, it is advisable that every Independent Seller shall immediately inform the company about the change in his / her address, E-mail ID and Mobile Number failing which the Independent Product Seller’s non-deliverance claim shall not be tenable at any cost whatsoever.
The term of this E-contract agreement is at will, subject to earlier termination in accordance with this E-contract agreement or in accordance with law. If this E-Contract Agreement is terminated for any reason whatsoever, the Independent Seller understands that his / her right to sell the products and receiving incentives with respect of his/her activities as an Independent Product Seller will cease immediately. Company reserves the right to terminate this E-contract agreement if any condition(s) of this E- Contract Agreement are violated by an Independent Seller.
Limitation of Action: If an Independent Seller wish to bring an action against the company for any act or omission relating to or arising from the agreement, such action must be brought within ninety (90) days from the date of the alleged conduct given rise to the cause of action. Failure to bring such action within the given time shall bar all claims against the company. Independent Seller waives all claims that any other statutes of limitations apply.
Indemnification: That the Independent Product Seller agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and holdharmless Company and its employees, officers, directors, agents orrepresentatives from and against any and all liabilities, damages,fines, penalties and costs (including legal costs and disbursements)arising from or relating to:
Any breach of any statute, regulation, direction, orders orstandards from any governmental body, agency, or regulator applicableto the company; or
Any breach of the terms and conditions of this E-contract agreement by the Independent Seller, Any claim of any infringement of any intellectual property rightor any other right of any third party or of law by the Independent Product Seller or Against all matters of embezzlement, misappropriation ormisapplications of collection/moneys which may from time to timeduring the continuance of the Agreement come into his/her /itspossession /control.
Relationship: That the Independent Seller understands that it is an independently ownedbusiness entity and this Agreement does not make it, Company’s employee,or legal representative ofthe company for any purpose whatsoever. The Independent Sellerdoes not possess any express or implied right or authority to assume or to undertake anyobligation in respect of or on behalf of or in the name of the companyor to bind the company in any mannerwhatsoever. In case, anIndependent Product Seller violates this provision in any manner whatsoever then he/she shall be responsible for all types of consequences be it financial, statutory, civil or criminal.
Suspension, Revocation or Termination of E-contract agreement:
That the company reservesthe right to suspend the operation of this E-contract agreement, at any time, dueto change in its own license conditions or upon directions from thecompetent government authorities. In such a situation, company shallnot be responsible for any damage or loss caused or arisen out ofaforesaid action.
That in case of violation of any of theprovisions of this agreement stated here-in-before and agreed upon bythe Independent Product Seller, the Company may,without prejudice to any other remedy available, issue a one month’s written notice and call upon the Independent Product Seller to explain his conduct in writing failing which or if the explanation is found unsatisfactory, suspend/block/ terminate the Independent Seller from further conducting the business of the Company.
That the Independent Sellermay terminate this agreement at any time by giving a written notice ofone month to the Company at the Registered address of the company.
Actions pursuant to Suspension/Blocking/Termination of this E-contract agreement: That not withstanding any other rights and remedies provided elsewherein the agreement, upon termination of this agreement:
The IndependentSeller shall not represent the company in any of its dealings.
The Independent Seller shall not intentionally or otherwise commit anyact(s) as would keep a third party to believe that the company is still having selling agreement with the Independent Seller.
The Independent Seller shall stop using the company’s name, trademark,logo, etc., in any audio or visual form.
All obligationsand liabilities of such Independent Product Seller to thecompany existing on the date having accrued during the validity ofthis Agreement will have to be fulfilled, met and satisfied by the Independent Seller in every manner whatsoever.
Governing Laws and Regulations
That this Agreements shall be governed by the provisions of theIndian Contract Act, 1872, the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, notified by the Government of India andState/Union Territory Governments as well as all other rules andregulations issued by the Government of India and StateGovernments /Union Territories.
Dispute Settlement
That In the event of any interpretation of any question of law,dispute or difference arising under this agreement or in connectionthere-with (except as to the matters, the decision to which isspecifically provided under this agreement), the same shall bereferred to a legal forum having jurisdiction in Noida (Uttar Pradesh, India).Disputes if any shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions ofthe Indian Arbitration and Reconciliation Act and mediation provisionsof Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
Force- Majeure
That if at any time, during the continuance of this agreement, theperformance in whole or in part, by the company, of any obligationunder this is prevented or delayed, by reason of war, or hostility,acts of the public enemy, civic commotion, sabotage, Act of State ordirection from Statutory Authority, explosion, epidemic, quarantinerestriction, strikes and lockouts, fire, floods, naturalcalamities/Disaster or any act of God (hereinafter referred to asevent), neither party shall, by reason of such event, be entitled toterminate the agreement, nor shall either party have any such claimsfor damages against the other, in respect of such non-performance ordelay in performance. Provided that the Services under the agreementshall be resumed as soon as practicable, after such event comes to anend or ceases to exist.
The Independent Seller hereby covenants as under:
That he/she has clearly understood the application form, Business Plan, its limitations and conditionsand he/she is not relying upon any representation or promises that isnot set out in this E-contract agreement.
That relation between the Company and the Independent Seller and allhis/her activities here under shall be governed in addition to thisagreement, by the rules / procedures contained in the Business Plan,. The Independent Seller confirms that he/she has readout all the terms & conditions thereof and agrees to be bound by them.
That the Independent Seller that he/she is not an agent, employee or any other Legalrepresentative of the Company or its service provider.
That Independent Seller, hereby declares that all the informationfurnished by him/her to the Company are true and correct. Companyshall be at sole discretion and liberty to take any action against the Independent Seller in the event, it is discovered that the Independent Product Sellerfurnished any wrong/false information to the Company.
That the Independent Product Seller herein is the concerned person hence fullyconversant with the fact deposed without any pressure to be appointed as Independent Seller in whole India on terms and condition as contained inthis agreement.
That he / she has read and understood the terms and conditions forappointment asIndependent Product Seller of the Company and has also gonethrough the Company's official website, printed materials, brochuresand convinced about the business and has applied for appointment as anIndependent Product Sellerout of his own sweet will, accord and volition.
The Independent Product Sellerundertakes to adhere to the policies, procedures, rules andregulations formed by the Company and confirms having read/been explained and read over in the vernacular language he/she isconversant with and understands the contents of the document on policyand procedures of the appointment of Independent Seller.
The Independent Seller herein very well understands that violation of this contract agreement may result in termination of this agreement as per procedure laid down therein.
Name:------------- -----
Bank A/C No/ ----------------
S/O Shri ------------- ---------
IFSC Code ----------
Resident of --------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------
Pin Code ----------
State -----------
PAN NO.----------
AADHAR NO.------------
Name of the Bank & Branch --------- ---------